Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Chicken Coop Progress!

It's coming right along! The first picture shows Colton trying to help dig holes. Then I didn't take any pictures until today. But the second and third pictures show how it looked this morning. Now it has the rafters up and is ready to put tin on next week.

I am so excited as its coming along. I just wish Travis was able to work on it more than one day a week. But if he didn't work, we wouldn't have money to build it, so it seems like he has to keep on working that real job he has. He keeps telling me that I'm trying to kill him, because I keep thinking of different projects around here that I want him to do. I really want a root cellar next.
But I better not push my luck...huh!!!

1 comment:

Paula said...

Wow! That looks awesome!
You tell Travis I am very impressed with his carpentry skills! And like you said, better him work on it just one day a week to keep food on the table! LOL
Hang in there Travis- don't let her work you too hard!

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